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Taking a Closer Look at EV Brake Pads: 10 FAQs to Keep in Mind

A popular practice in today's world is all about saving energy, or using it more efficiently than in the past. The initial need for breakthrough technology has now shifted to making technology that not only makes our lives easier but is also environmentally friendly. Accordingly, the automobile industry has come up with several innovative ideas that deal with the changing demands of this era. Automobile tech taking the automotive world by storm is regenerative braking. This braking system currently exists for electric/hybrid vehicles and is used to minimize energy losses. Electric Vehicle (EV) brake pads can be used in electric cars instead of the traditional brake pads which are found in most Electric vehicles, for better use of regenerative braking. Since this concept is still relatively new and unfamiliar to most, let us look at some of the most frequently asked questions about regenerative braking and EV brake pads.

1. What is Regenerative Braking?

Like everything else in this universe, braking systems in cars use the traditional laws of physics. When pressed down, traditional brakes use friction to work against the driving force to bring the vehicle to a halt. In this process, the kinetic energy is converted to heat and sound energy. This energy dissipates to the surroundings and is, in a sense, wasted. To avoid this wastage, regenerative braking does the brilliant work of using the car's kinetic energy and converting it back into electric power. This conversion takes place when the vehicle decelerates (the foot is taken off the pedal). All the kinetic energy stored in the vehicle is converted to electricity (the car's fuel), and thus the vehicle slows down. So, it is essentially braking without actually using brakes.

2. How Does Regenerative Braking Work?

A whole science exists behind this phenomenon of regenerative braking. In electric cars, the motor can operate in reverse, very much like a reversible chemical reaction. When the vehicle is in motion, the engine provides electricity for power. On the other hand, when the car is decelerating, the motor acts as a generator. It creates electricity from the kinetic energy, which is fed back to the battery to recharge it. This dual nature of the electric motor enables the car to become self-sufficient and power through for a long time.

3. How are Speed and Regenerative Braking Linked to Battery Recharge?

The answer for this lies in the driver's hand (or, in this case, feet). Since the kinetic energy is being converted back to electricity, proportionality exists between them. And the kinetic energy, in turn, depends on the speed at which the car is moving. Suppose the car is going at a comparatively high speed and is eventually decelerated. In that case, a considerable amount of kinetic energy is available for electricity production.

4. Is Battery Recharge Consistent With Regenerative Braking?

What intimidates drivers about regenerative braking is how acceleration and driving speed play a huge part in the battery recharging. Imagine driving at a steady pace along a highway with minimal traffic and perfect weather conditions. In an ideal situation like this, the need for applying brakes is significantly reduced. Consequently, there is no production of electricity to recharge the battery, and the electric fuel is being depleted with time.

However, suppose the same car is being driven on a busy road during rush hour. In this case, brakes are applied more frequently, and more regeneration occurs inside the vehicle. So, these conditions must be kept in mind when making use of regenerative braking.

5. Is Regenerative Braking Efficient?

The short answer is yes. Regenerative braking is very efficient as it increases your electric car's mileage without having to top up on fuel. You could drive your car on the primary charge for a very long time considering all factors for an ideal electricity regeneration are met.

6. Do Electric Cars Only Depend on Regenerative Braking?

Regenerative braking is not the only option available in electric cars, and traditional braking is present if needed and is even an option. In some cases, the vehicle needs to be brought to a stop abruptly. Since regenerative braking is a somewhat steady process, traditional brakes can help bring the car to an immediate halt.

7. Why Do I Need Electric Vehicle (EV)Brake Pads?

We have already talked about how electric vehicles have both traditional braking and regenerative braking, so brake pads are installed inside the car. However, since most of the work is done by regenerative braking in Ev’s, the conventional brakes are used very little in comparison. Over time, the brakes start to retain moisture and end up rusting or corroding, which not only destroys the brake pads but could be potentially hazardous. So, to prevent this from happening, NRS-EV brake pads are specifically engineered for your hybrid or electric vehicle, using rust-resistant galvanized steel.

8. What is an Electric Vehicle (EV) Brake Pad?

As mentioned before, special brakes are manufactured to be used in electric vehicles, known as Electric Vehicle brake pads. EV brake pads differ from traditional brake pads based on the materials used. At NRS brakes, we a special galvanized steel to construction to manufacture brake pads, to be used in Electric Vehicles. Moreover, the friction material is attached to the metal plate using a technique similar to Velcro, which interlocks the materials, increasing the life of the pad of your electric vehicle.

9. Are Electric Vehicle (EV) Brake Pads Expensive?

Considering how the best materials are used to manufacture EV brake pads, they usually sit at a higher price point than their traditional counterparts. However, seeing as they are more durable and have a much longer lifespan, it's an investment worth making for yourself and for your electric vehicle

10. Are Electric Vehicle (EV) Brake Pads Used for Regenerative Braking?

EV brake pads are not a means for regenerative braking, although this is a common misconception. As explained previously, regenerative braking occurs when the foot is taken off the accelerator (it doesn't require a separate braking system). Simultaneously, the traditional braking system is also present in the car as a substitute. This is where the EV brake pads are used. In simpler words, EV brake pads are just brake pads explicitly tailored for use in electric vehicles and take better advantage of your electric vehicle’s braking technology.

Why Do Manufacturers Develop Brake Pads Specifically For EVs?

If you are ready to invest in your electric car and purchase top quality EV brake pads, then head on over to our online store or email us at Happy shopping!

Final Words

Hopefully, this article has helped answer some of the burning questions you might have had about EV brake pads, why they are needed and better than the traditional brake pads for the Electric vehicle. For further information on this, visit our website and also check out:

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